Become a Host

Host a Seminar

Seminars are 3.5 hrs in length and can be hosted across Canada. The levels usually span over 2 or 3 days on a weekend to ensure everyone gets the most out of the experience.

Your gym can host any of the following levels:

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced

These seminars can be members-only or open to the public.

Become a host
Session Type

Host a Clinic

Clinics are a series of three 1.5 hr classes hosted at YOUR gym *IF* it is located within a reasonable travel distance from the Fraser Valley, B.C.

Clinics run for three consecutive weeks.

These clinics usually run back to back on a weekend. Athletes can sign up for one of the following 3 Levels:

  1. Beginner
  2. Intermediate
  3. Advanced

These clinics can be members-only or open to the public.