Seminars are divided into 3 levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced.
Level 1
Beginner Gymnastics
The focus in Level One gymnastics is on foundational drills, strength progressions, and body positions for many of the Gymnastics skills that are in daily WODs. This is a great place to start if you have never participated in Gymnastics classes before.
- Drills and progressions for beatswings/kips, and scapular activation.
- Strength drills and proper body positioning for strict and kipping pull-ups.
- Assistance for strict pull-ups.
- Learning how to spot for kipping pull-ups.
- Drills and progressions to achieve proper handstand position.
- Strict handstand push up strength drills.
- Assisted strict handstand push up progressions.
- Learning how to spot for handstand balancing.
- Drills and proper positioning for ring swings and ring supports.
- Strength progressions for ring dips.
- False grip hangs and ring rows.
- Toes to rings.
Level 2
Intermediate Gymnastics
The focus in Level Two Gymnastics is on gaining strength, coordination, and correct timing for the gymnastics skills we see in daily WODs. Athletes will also learn introductory drills and progressions for more advanced movements. Level Two Gymnastics is recommended for those who are confident with regular pull ups, have the required strength to do strong ring supports, and can kick up to a handstand against a wall without assistance.
- Review of correct body positions and movement patterns for the beatswing/kip.
- Progressions for scapular activation.
- Drills for linking regular kipping pull-ups.
- Strength progressions for chest-to-bar pull-ups.
- Learn how to spot chest-to-bar pull-ups.
- Review of correct handstand positions.
- Drills and progressions for handstand balancing.
- Learn how to spot a freestanding handstand balance.
- Strict handstand push ups.
- Drills and progressions for kipping handstand push ups.
- Introduction to handstand walking, progressions and spotting.
- Review of ring swings and false grip hanging.
- Strength drills and correct positions for ring dips.
- Progressions and movement pattern drills for strict ring muscle ups.
- Learn how to safely spot strict ring muscle ups.
Level 3
Advanced Gymnastics
The focus in Level Three Gymnastics is to continue to gain strength in the more advanced skills we see during daily WODs and at CrossFit competitions. Athletes will learn strength drills and will work on many different progressions to help them create efficient movement patterns. Level Three Gymnastics is recommended for those who can execute chest-to-bar pull-ups, strict ring dips, and strict handstand push ups.
- Review of correct body positions and movement patterns for the beatswing/kip.
- Progressions for scapular activation.
- Drills and strength progressions for butterfly pull-ups.
- Learn how to spot butterfly pull-ups.
- Efficiency in linking butterfly pull-ups.
- Review of correct body positions for handstand balance.
- Handstand walking progressions.
- Learn how to spot handstand walking safely.
- Strength drills for strict handstand push ups.
- Correct movement patterns and efficiency for kipping handstand push ups/multiple reps.
- Review of ring swings and false grip hang.
- Progressions for muscle-up transition with focus on the catch position.
- Spotting and obtaining correct body position and movement patterns for muscle-ups.
- Kipping ring muscle-ups drills.
- Learn how to safely spot kipping ring muscle-ups and linking multiple reps.
- Strength drills for strict and kipping ring muscle-ups.
Bar Muscle-Ups:
- Bar muscle-up swings, initiating the swing, and straight arm push down review.
- Strength drills for bar muscle-ups with straight arm push down and hip to bar pull drills.
- Progressions for bar muscle-up transitions and achieving correct body positions on pulling and turning over.
- Learn how to spot bar muscle-ups and getting efficient in linking multiple reps.